The Students page in TutorsFlow enables tutors to efficiently add, manage, and generate reports for students. This page provides insights such as total student counts, student lists, and available actions for selected students, including attendance reporting and more.
At the top of the page, you will find a navigation bar (see image). The left arrow allows you to navigate back, while the plus (+) icon is used to add a new student, as described in the “Add New Student” section below.
To add a new student, click the plus (+) button located at the top right corner. This will open the Add New Student form. Fill in the required details and assign a class to the student using the “Select Class” dropdown menu. Ensure all information is accurate before saving.
Next to the navigation bar, there is a counter box displaying the total number of students. This includes both active and inactive students, helping you quickly assess the current student count for your institution.
The search bar allows you to locate specific students easily. The student list below the search bar displays the student’s name and their assigned class.
When you click on a student’s name, their basic details and a QR code will appear, along with the Action Bar. The Action Bar provides the following options:
2. Student Remarks: Displays a log of actions performed for the student, such as status changes or class updates.
3. Change Class: Opens a form where you can reassign the student to a different class. This includes viewing current and selected class details (class name and ID). Click the “Change Now” button to confirm the update. A remark will be automatically added to the student’s log.
4. Edit Student: Allows you to update student details such as first name, last name, phone number, address, and birthday. A toggle button lets you set the student’s status to active or inactive.
5. Print: Opens a printable view of the student’s QR code and details. You can also generate and share the ID in PDF format by clicking the “Get ID” button.
The attendance record section provides detailed information about the student’s attendance. You can filter records by start and end dates. The report includes: