The Class page in TutorsFlow enables users to add and manage classes, record class-related data, and generate reports. These reports include total student counts for specific classes, session details (e.g., total session count, session summaries, attendance), and more.
You will find a navigation bar at the top of the page (see image). The left arrow allows you to navigate back, while the plus (+) icon is used to add a new class, as described in the “Add a New Class” section below.
To add a new class, click the plus (+) button located at the top right corner. This will open the Add Class form. Provide a unique name for the class and click the “Add Now” button to save it.
Note: Avoid adding duplicate class names.
The top section of the page includes a counter box that displays the total number of classes you have added.
The search bar helps you locate specific classes within your institute. When you click on a class name from the class list or search results, the Class Details Box updates with the relevant data for the selected class.
The Class Details Box provides the following information:
The first button on the action bar opens the Edit Class page. Here, you can:
You can add multiple fee amounts, allowing for future updates. However, at least one fee amount is required to record payments via QR code or the web dashboard.
Note: Once added, class fee amounts cannot be changed or deleted.
The next button on the action bar allows you to add class sessions.
To create a session, provide the following details:
Once a session is added, it will appear on the Class Sessions list, as described below.
The Class Sessions section displays a horizontally scrollable list of sessions, showing session dates and times.
Clicking on a session opens a summary with the following details:
If a student fails to mark attendance for a session, you can manually add it:
Below the Class Details Box, you will find a list of students belonging to the selected class. This list displays: