

Quick Start Guide

Get started with TutorsFlow in no time—from account creation to accessing reports and insights in just a few steps.


Easily add and manage students, track attendance, record payments, and analyze student performance.


Create and organize classes, schedule sessions, monitor student enrollment, and review session details effortlessly.


Manage class fees seamlessly—track individual class earnings and student payment history all in one place.


Stay on top of expenses by recording and analyzing total costs, class-specific expenses, and other financial insights.

TutorsFlow Quick Start Guide

Welcome to TutorsFlow, your complete tuition management solution. Follow these simple steps to set up your account and streamline the management of your classes, students, attendance, fees, and expenses.

1. Create an Account

Get started by signing up with your name, email, and password. Once registered, verify your email and log in to access your dashboard.

2. Set Up Your Institute

Go to Settings, enter your institute’s name and details, and configure essential preferences for smooth operation.

3. Add Your First Class

Navigate to the Class Page and click the “+” button to create a new class. Enter the class name and save it. Avoid using duplicate names for better organization.

4. Add and Manage Students

Go to the Students Section and click the “+” button to add new students. Assign them to a class by selecting from the class list you created.

5. Schedule Class Sessions

Click “Add Session”, then enter the date, time, and lesson plan. Sessions are color-coded:

  • Green – Upcoming sessions
  • Orange – Completed sessions

6. Record and Track Attendance

Students check in using the QR code system. If a student forgets to check in, you can manually mark their attendance from the session details.

7. Manage Payments & Fees

  • Go to the Fees Page to track total earnings, class-wise income, and individual student payments.
  • Click “Add Fee” to manually record a payment if a student missed the QR-based payment.
  • View each student’s payment history, including the payment date, ID, amount, and class details.

8. Track and Add Expenses

  • Open the Expenses Page to monitor total expenses.
  • Click the “+” button, enter details, select a category, and save.
  • Record class-specific or general expenses (e.g., electricity, water, supplies).

9. View Student Reports & Insights

Access detailed reports on student attendance, fee payments, and class expenses. Use filters to analyze data by class, student, or date range for better decision-making.

Start using TutorsFlow today to simplify and automate your tuition management!